
Publikationen während meiner Zeit an der Universität Stuttgart:

  1. A. Weiss and B. Wohlmuth.
    A posteriori error estimator for obstacle problems.
    SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 32, 2010.
  2. R. Helmig, A. Weiss, and B. Wohlmuth.
    Variational inequalities for modeling flow in heterogeneous porous media with entry pressure.
    Comput. Geosci., 13:373–390, 2009.
  3. A. Weiss and B. Wohlmuth.
    A posteriori error estimator and error control for contact problems.
    Math. Comp., 78:1237–1267, 2009.
  4. P. Hauret, J. Salomon, A. Weiss, and B. Wohlmuth.
    Energy-consistent corotational schemes for frictional contact problems.
    SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 30:2488–2511, 2008.
  5. J. Salomon, A. Weiss, and B. Wohlmuth.
    Energy conserving algorithms for a corotational formulation.
    SIAM J. Num. Anal., 46:1842–1866, 2008.
  6. Y. Cao, A. Weiss, and B. Wohlmuth.
    A two-scale operator splitting for flow problems in porous media.
    In Proceedings of ECMOR XI, Bergen, Norway, 2008.
  7. R. Helmig, A. Weiss, and B. Wohlmuth.
    Dynamic capillary effects in heterogeneous porous media.
    Comput. Geosci., 11:261–274, 2007.
  8. A. Weiss and B. Wohlmuth.
    Multigrid methods for unresolved Dirichlet boundaries.
    Technical Report 2005/011, Universität Stuttgart, IANS, 2005.
  9. A. Weiss.
    Mehrgittermethoden zu elliptischen Randwertproblemen bei nicht aufgelöstem Dirichlet/Neumann-Übergang.
    Diplomarbeit, Universität Stuttgart, 2004.